Sunday, April 14, 2013

Long distance

Its never easy to have a long distance relationship and I know the feeling first hand. I've been with my handsome boyfriend Chayanne for 3 years now, but you think it would get easier with time; in many cases this is not true. I know that it always sucks when you cant physically be with that person and it take some creativity to keep things alive. For me it was a big change from seeing him every day for 2 years to seeing him every few months.. Its weird how you come to find out how much someone means to you, when things just dont feel the same when they're not around. Its always such a great feeling when you can finally see that person, but the time is just never enough. This post is just to show people that long distance can work, all you need is two people that are willing to try to make it work. I found a couple of things that help in making things not feel so bad. Its all about compromising, yes everyone is busy but you always have to find time to talk; even if its just to say hello. We live in a world of amazing technology, get on Skype; its a great way to talk to that person and be able to see their face. It will make you feel less alone and a little closer to them, even if it is just through technology. Make sure that there are plans of when you will see them next, because that is always something to look forward to. In the end just make the best of the time you guys have together because it is precious. 

Chayanne this one is for you.. <3

Sunday, March 31, 2013

When things go right. Part 2

My fun filled Saturday didn't just end with the hookah bar but continued to be a great night. After a couple of hours of hookah I was so hungry that wedecided to go to Oasis, a Brazilian restaurant in Medford. This place is wonderful, the prices are reasonable and the portions are large (especially since I don't eat a lot). We ordered our food and everything was so good. I decided to order the salmon with creamy shrimp sauce, rice and black beans! What a great decision, it is one of my favorite dishes from there. As our food came we were talking about where the night would lead us. Then Thomas had an idea, lets go to the strip club, and there it was, our plans. I think you got your Swagga back, Thomas! So we finish up and hit the road to Golden Banana... We get there, scope out the scene and sit at a table watching and waiting for the perfect moment to sit at the stage. When I go to strip clubs I want to see some pole tricks, and boom just like that one of the girls walked out and was windmilling upside down on the pole; I was sold, my seat at the stage was calling. What a great night it turned out to be, its cool to see all the love you get because you're a girl at a strip club. I know Carlos and Thomas were jealous, but boy did I enjoy myself! This may sound weird but the music was really good also, when the reggae came on it was a wrap. I had girls purring and moaning in my ear, taking money out of my shirt, and some things we just cant say. Overall it was a great time and in the words of Carlos,"If you don't fall in love, something's wrong!"

Check out these places out!

Oasis: 373 Main Street Medford, MA 02155

Golden Banana: 151 Newbury St, Peabody, MA 01960

When things go right!

Saturdays, what to do, what to do?
After a night of salsa and bachata, I was going to have a lazy Saturday. A beautiful day outside but had no plans. You know those hand full of people you can just call and be down to go out; Yup, that's exactly what I did. I decided to go out for lunch and ended up at a hookah bar! Great idea Carlos! How does that happen one asks? It's a little thing we like to call being spontaneous .. One of the best decisions on a dull Saturday  So we decided to go to a hookah bar in Allston called Habibi's Lounge, y'all should check it out. This place is so low-key and homey its wonderful. The Arabic music playing, hookahs sizzling, mini couch sections to sit, and the tea is amazing (A must try); It's the perfect little spot to go with a solid group of people and have an enjoyable time. As the Sheesha aroma fills the air things just seem calm and the state of relaxation begins. After a stressful week this is the perfect way to whine down. If you're looking for a new adventure or just want to try something new, I'd suggest a Hookah bar!!

Shahia Tayebah!

If you want to check out Habibi's Lounge here's the address and link 

~1217 Commonwealth Ave  Boston, MA 02134

Friday, March 29, 2013

Cleaning out my Closet

Reading the title you may think I’m going to be talking about things I need to bring to light and discuss. This is where you are wrong, I mean it literally. Do you ever get a sense of anxiety when you open your closet door? I know I sure do, the clutter and all the stuff I have and yet barely wear. So I made it a task for myself to clean out my closet and take out things I didn’t wear; Sounds like it was going to be easy right? No way, with the piles of clothes I had on top of my bed I went through EVERY article of clothing I had (I even tried them on). Yet everything went back into my closet, in my mind there was always a future opportunity where I would be able to wear it. As spring slowly starts shining, in Massachusetts anyways, there needs to be an out with the old in with the new attitude. This starts with giving away things that I will mostly not where even if I think I will. With all the new found space I can just get some great spring/summer signature pieces. Always remember if you haven’t worn something in a while you probably won’t wear it again, just let it go. With all the new things in fashion we need to embrace it but remember you can look gorgeous without breaking the bank.  

Just a Little something to soothe the soul

Many of yall may have heard about Emeli Sande. Her music is amazing and is something you will find a connection to. Here is one of her popular songs "Next to Me". Hope you enjoy her as much as I do.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

A Love Note

Here I am at 6:30 pm, with my small and delicate frame
The air is warm and breezy, a clear day
on the way to the beach, palm trees in summer streetscape
I drink a tropical drink which refreshes
and soothes to have more energy and to bring me back
In. the streets look for the people they remember, or me. Trying
to figure out where they have gone. It’s so strange to them. Eyes on me. I
walk through it, them, as
A confident women sipping on wine now
five years almost ago, and the man that I
knew so well is looking at me & telling
Who would have thought I’d be here, nothing
more important to me, everything
I needed and wanted right in front of me.
Not a care in the world.
Up in the highest level imaginable, now
More then ever before!
Not that anything could bring me down, walking in seeing him with that coat
eyes penetrating the future for the both of us
& holding in all the past. Not that I don’t miss being eighteen. Who was
going to have to go, careening into adulthood so,
To go to school & to be without you, I just couldn’t imagine
so to go. Not that imbecile who from very first meeting
I would never & never be as comfortable with him
into the point where I would fall in love & so demanded
To be with him & who will never leave me, not for another, nor unfaithfulness nor even for the lost of love itself which is
Only our human lot & means everything and anything. No, not that.
There’s a song “ One Last Cry”, but no. I wont do that
I am love. When will I die? I will never die. I will live
To be 150, & I will never go away & you will never escape from me
Who am always & only a look away, despite this feeling. Spirit
Who lives only to show you happiness,
I’m only love & I am a feeling, & I didn’t mean to bring you heartache
I came into your life to change it for the better,
to show you happiness,
to give you some passion
Happiness & Love, undeniable fate. Nevertheless
I am here to show you the way
The world’s biggest fear but greatest feeling.

Life is complicated.

The world is mine and I will take it..